Funny Bear's Criteria for Fine Literature

Full disclosure: Funny Bear is five months at the time of this posting. As her criteria for what constitutes fine literature changes, those evolving tastes will be reflected here. These days, however, there are certain characteristics we are looking for in a good book:

1. Are the illustrations appealing?
2. How does the story sound when read aloud? Any rhyming, repetition, alliteration or rhythm?
3. Do either the story or illustrations invite interaction - is there something to add, discuss, or act out?
4. Are there any female characters? (It isn't necessarily a deal-breaker if there aren't, but some days it seems like you could make it through a whole library of board books and never run into the pronoun "she".)
5. Is it edible?

Of course, Funny Bear is always looking for more F. B. Literary Society members, so add your criteria - and your suggestions for good books - in the comments!


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